Its really quite annoying when everyone you know is not single and you just want to have some fun on new years. Boo. Hiss.
I rather enjoy being single. And I don't understand why everyone else feels the need to couple off. Ew. Stop it, folks.
I can honestly say that the high from a good yoga session may in fact be the best feeling in the world. I've never tried heroine, so I'm not exactly sure. But I'm sure its up there with all the illicit drugs.
My arms feel like rubber. And that is why we should not take breaks from physical activity.
Winter is too cold. Summer too hot. What is a girl to do, but move far far away to a more temperate to mildly tropical climate. Or just pollute the world a bit more and catalyze that global warming crisis that is rumored to be going on. That might turn up the heat in the for summer, I guess I could invent the never melting ice jacket...or just stay unemployed so i can lay in the pool all day every day.
I started watching Glee. And it reminds me of everyone I knew in high school. Only they can sing better on the show.
Its awfully wonderful having internet access on your own computer again. I foresee a lot of great time-wasting activities will ensue. Such as what currently transpires.
I need to go buy tights....never thought that after I was 8 years old I would ever have to wear tights again...
Here is a picture to remind us of summer:

Jump, maverick, jump maverick jump...
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