Saturday, April 24, 2010

The only thing that there's just too little of.

The possession of above-average intelligence is an arguably isolating condition.

If I were to ever procreate, I would want to pick an intelligent sperm. But then I would worry that my progeny would be doomed to a lifetime of awkwardness as smart people are generally the most neurotic.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Weakness: bad joints. Weakness: people phobia. Weakness: self-deprecation. Weakness: hypochondriasis. Weakness: chocoloate. Weakness: cynicism.

Or would cynicism be a strength?

I guess it depends on who you ask.

Definitions is where we the people get in trouble.

Our society is set up such that there is good and evil and nothing else. Guilty or not guilty. There is no such thing as 25% guilty. At least not in our justice system. There is no gray in the world. It is all labels. Society=labels.

You are male or female and thus have the corresponding gender role characteristics involved therein. You are Christian or not. Buddhist or not. Atheist or not. You like kids, or you don't. You support health care bills or you don't. You are hippie. You are gangster. You are indie scene.

And we are all pretentious.

And so sure of ourselves. Because in everyone's mind, they are in the right. Their opinions are the correct opinions, otherwise they would not subscribe to them. There is so rarely room for any other opinion but their own. Humans do not tolerate moral conflict well.

Wrapped up in our unique identities. And we are all correct. And we cannot respect any other opinion but our own.


Why do we get so bent out of shape when someone disrespects us, and then we turn around and do a similar thing out of the same fear and indecision that was experienced by the original wrongdoer.

Is it american society that makes us dishonest to the point where we NEED to spare another person's feelings? Or is that a universal human condition?


All persons view the world differently. Unless they don't. Maybe the normal people view it normally. And the reason I have not found anyone with my worldview is because I am the sole seer of worlds. Ours is the only reality of consequence. What makes me believe that thoughts arise in other people's brains? How do I know these people exist...the only thing I know for certain is that I am in existence.

Can we delude ourselves into believing we are crazy.

What if there were more crazy people in this world than sane. And how would you know that there isn't?


Why is Fuck a bad word? Because mommy and daddy told me it was the first time I used it at them? What makes it so bad? is it not just four letters strung together. it creates meaning. But meaning is used differently among different individuals.

Why is frak any better or worse?

If you call a gay man a bundle of sticks, would he get offended? What if the sentiment behind was dripping with hatred?


How do you navigate a world with so many diverse peoples. So many variables. What ifs. Hows comes. Where for. In what respect.


What the world needs now is respect. Sweet respect.

Just because there is love does mean not respect is.

The more love we have, the more attachment and thus inevitable suffering. Love leads to eventual heartbreak. Respect leads to a general well-being amongst the human race.

The song got it wrong. Respect-- its the only thing that there's just too little of.

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