Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm not a skillful water carrier.

And though I ask for help in riddles. It is clearer in my mind.

Where have all the awesome jobs for recent college grads gone?

I wish I could undo all the binge drinking and laziness that allowed my brain to atrophy and die

Once upon a time I was going somewhere.

NOwadays I'm too tired and don't have enough time to learn things. To read intellectual things. To do something creative.

I'm too busy working for not enough money.

I hate my lack of full time job. I hate my leaky ass apartment.

Routine kind of sucks sometimes.

And I still dont have the internet. Or text messaging. And ten years ago that would have been normal.

I think all this connectedness is going to backfire on us soon. Mark my words.

And every day babies keep being born. Wars are fought. And people die of heart disease and cancer.

And nothing really changes. Except technology. Which will eventually take over the world.

Friendships are formed and then forgotten. Family is forged and then resented. Love is all around. And just barely does it overshadow all the hate.

Everyone is getting married. And we are all so young. BUt really....we're all adults now. And its hard to accept.

Grandparents still hang on with awkward shadows looming. We try not to talk about it.

Living life to the fullest is hard to imagine. If I lived life to the fullest every day I would never go to work.

Appreciate what you have for however long you have it. Everything happens as it is meant to happen. Predestination from the big bang to each calculated decision. Who needs a pro con list when everything is destiny.

Who is pulling all the strings?

What or how might be more appropriate phrasings.

My wit has taken recess and grabbed my intellect and ambition to tag along. Who needs something prestigious when you can earn a modest living and slide under the radar. I just want my very own internet service provider.

THats just thirty bucks a month.
Aim small, miss small.

Camping out in the UV lab only works until 10pm when you have to go back to the mildew and attempt to sleep without developing pneumonia.

What is the point of having a blog if you dont have a kid to brag about and post pictures of?

I guess you have to just boast of your own accomplishments and achievements and new acquistions of knowledges. Here goes.

The other day I learned what a cowduck says.
My favorite new word is minutiae.
Yesterday I learned what a water main does.
On September the 8th I turned 262 months old.
I don't really care for bathtime all that much. I mean I don't go kicking and screaming when my better judgement forces me to wash myself. But its not all happy playtime for me. I should probably invest in some floating lights and toy swimming fishes.
Last week I took my first steps...through the osu wetland park.
I'm not gonna lie, I dont really like elmo. Im more an oscar kind of girl. Clearly.
I can say my own name, but I'm not really sure these days whether I am called Becky or Rebekah.
I get cranky when I don't take naps.

For a 262 month old, thats a pretty fair list. But I cannot wait to see how much develops on into that 263rd month.

...but i have learned to carry love.