Saturday, August 22, 2009

Plugged in.

I believe there is such a thing as being too Wired In.
I believe the nation is becoming a slave to technology.
I believe there is such a thing as being too connected.
I believe people could benefit from private reflection.

The mind makes a great slave but a lousy master, says the yogis.

Cannot the same be said of technology?

Although I managed to leave my phone at home, I have found it impossible to not check my email daily, my facebook bidaily, and even write this stupid blog. As if my words make a difference.

Vacation from what?

I guess I can take solace in the fact that the word facebook is still spell checked.

The world is obsessed. With social media. With text messaging. With communicating.

But does anyone really have anything of value to say?

Its bad enough that meaningful face to face communication is a rarity at best, but nowadays the world is constantly assaulting the internets with the mundane, the self-obsessed, and the downright ridiculous.

And we call it entertainment. We call it fun. We call it 'connecting'.

I call it primarily a waste of time. All of it. If you are not planning an outing with friends or reminding someone to take out the garbage there is really no use for such superfluous communications. Unless of course you are showing me the newest video of my adorable nephew.

I would hazard to say that 90% of technological communication is completely unneccessary.

But who am I to judge. If it were up to me, I would live alone in a cabin in the woods with no one to keep me company but my family and maybe a friend or two.

Maybe there is such a thing as being too anti-communication as well.

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