Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yes I Do Exist and This is What I Have to Say

As outcasts, we are conditioned to believe there is something intrinsically wrong with us. Ostracized by the blind conformity society entails, we go about life never quite a part of the whole, on the outside looking in. And we are told we are weird. Crazy. Creepy. And an abundance of other seemingly innocuous adjectives used to differentiate us from the crowds of conventionality.

Are these herds of sheep simply oblivious to their blind acquiescence to ordinary? Or is it a conscious choice born of the desire to associate. To not be alone in their loneliness. And which is worse? To be too boring to have a real personality and real interests outside of the normal…or to choose to subdue that which makes an individual unique and interesting in favor of fitting in.

And what is the nature of society but to bring the many together for a common purpose. The more sameness involved, the more cohesive the society. This is why we humans instinctively fear people who are different from us. This is why there is racism, ethnocentrism, bigotry and hatred. Human society functions best when there is no variation, no idiosyncratic differences from one individual to the next.

We have evolved into a socially driven species. Not long ago, courtship was guided by social class and in many respects it still is. We associate only with those with whom we feel comfortable. We are comfortable with those who share the same beliefs, the same background, the same language, the same work ethic, the same thoughts and ideas. Common ground.

If you are unable to communicate, do you really exist? If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound?

I guess what I am trying to say is…is existence driven by human relationships? And if so, what does that say about those who prefer to spend their time alone.

And we are all so desperate to be heard. Nowadays you are surprised to meet someone who does not have an online social media outlet to proudly declare that, “yes, I do exist and this is what I have to say.” And so often it is nonsense. Nothing of consequence. And so often its all the same. Does anyone have original thoughts? Is anything really original?

And what is a thought but an electrical impulse in the brain. And what does that mean. That humanity is nothing more than a complex arrangement of biochemistry. That the human mind is nothing more than neurological signals that get interpreted as thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, language, art, music…

And meanwhile the truth stares us all in the face: there is no meaning in life. A random arrangement of chemicals, atoms, electrons, energies. We are both too simple to understand the how and too naive to recognize that there is no why.

Or is it the other way around? Too naïve to think we can grasp the how and to simple to understand the why…

And upon reading this over I realize that very little of it makes sense....but I'm gonna post it anyway.

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